The Gospel of Goddard:

Second Visit

Drew Goddard says:
(Sun Jul 21 17:55:17 2002)

Hey gang --

Just wanted to drop by and say hi. We’re here working away at the offices on a Sunday to bring you people the best possible Season 7 money can buy. I’m hoping a little later I can break away from the grueling, grueling work and return for a bit of the ol’ back and forth… that is, if you’ll have me.

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Jul 22 00:55:39 2002)
Sorry – I was gone longer than I thought. Believe it or not, we’re still here working away. The Magic Factory never closes.

Have I mentioned that Season 7 is gonna rock? Joss and Marti are coming out swinging. You should all just grab on to your hats and glasses right now, because once the season starts, well, we can’t be held responsible.

You know what I like, by the way? I like when people start by using italics in here to tell active stories about themselves. I’m gonna try to do that sometime.

Let’s see if I can get to some questions from earlier.

Dachelle – Dachelle, Dachelle, Dachelle… have I mentioned that I am hopelessly in love with you? I just checked out the site and I am humbled, honored… and a little freaked out.

I mean, in all honesty, I’ve always wondered why I DIDN’T have a fan club. It has always bothered me that there weren’t wonderful web pages made about ol’ Ultimate Drew. However, I feel strangely obliged to point out to my minions that I haven’t actually written anything yet. I mean, I could suck. Have you guys thought of that? I could suck, and then you guys would be stuck in a fan club for a guy who sucks. And then people will be in front of you in the check-out line and they’ll say, “Oh, she’s in a fan club for a guy who sucks – I’m going to take an extra long time paying for this so that she has to wait around and contemplate the mistakes she’s made with her life.” And then your products will either melt or go bad, all because you thought it would be neat to support whoever happened to be in the Bronze that day.

That being said -- Molly, Dachelle, Halfrek, JKS Wonder, Triana, and ErinSpud, I can’t tell you how honored I am to have you guys in my corner, and I promise to do everything in my power not to let you down.

Dachelle – You did an amazing job with the site. I love your sense of humor. I especially love how you embellished parts of my history. That’s great. I’m stating it for the record right now: Dachelle has free reign to make up whatever she wants to about me.

In fact, let’s get some Ultimate Drew fanfic going. "Ultimate Drew, weary from a day of hard work in the writers’ room, searched for something to mop his sweaty brow with. Alas, all he could find was his own shirt…"

Zeus – DeKnight spoiled the shrimp thing already?! I thought that was a secret. There goes our season finale.

CarpeDi, Watchers_Council_Member, Hollyn – I’m great, thanks for asking. How are you? Work is so much fun. We are insanely busy right now, but it’s all one big labor of love.

Des – Yes, the actors all come back at the end of this week to begin work on Season 7. As of now, script-wise we’re about five episodes ahead.

Black Sparrow… this isn’t the Flash Gordon posting board?!

Seniorslayer – the folks at Mutant Enemy are merciless, much like Ming himself.

Phil PhuD – It’s okay you don’t know me. There’s really no good reason you should know me. I’m new and I haven’t done anything. These other people are weird.

Princess of Darkness – it’s lovely to meet you too.

Thoin – nice italics! That’s what I’m talking about. And yes, I plan on being very nice to Dachelle. I’m madly in love with her, after all.

Aww crap – I’m going to have to go soon. We’re going back to work. If anyone has any quick questions, I’ll see what I can do about giving you a series of vague, noncommittal responses.
Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Jul 22 01:45:10 2002)
I have no idea how to make it do italics. I feel like a monkey banging at a coconut (for completely unrelated reasons).

Old Man Fan -- Hopefully you’ll need both.

Y_slaybelle, Algerina, jalekurc!, wolfguard – hi guys. Good to see you here.

BlackMagickBitsy – Hi, how are you? I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about, but good luck with it. And I wouldn’t miss the PBP for the world.

Wiggins – Yes, I promise if I do suck, I will suck with all my heart.

Dachelle – I wouldn’t worry about your final. You’ll probably do fine, and in the long run chatting on the internet is probably more important than an education.

Shadow – wait, when is Common Rotation coming? I’m so very confused…

Silverblue – I don’t think there’s any official word on Eliza yet either way, but I can tell you ol’ Goddard would looooove to write scenes for her.

Goddess@Home –You mean that rumor that Tim Curry and the guy who played John Boy had a torrid affair on the set of It? Yeah, I heard that rumor, but I’m not sure it’s true. And I guess suspenders can be cool, but I prefer belts.

Caelin – great questions. I can only tell you that these are issues we take very seriously here and we will be dealing with them in depth in Season 7.

Oblivia – I’ll see what I can do about naked Spike. The more nudity, the better, that’s what I always say. Unless I’m around DeKnight, in which case I say, “Please take that off my lap.”

Christopher Marlowe – good to see you. Yeah, speaking of Fury and DeKnight and Minear… could somebody please sign me up for their fan clubs? Those guys are really smart.

Old One – I would LOVE to get into the comic book scene. But they keep me pretty busy here.

Black Sparrow – When you say “pass something on to the cast members,” do you mean it in a “pass a few kind words to the cast members” kind of way or do you mean it in a “pass gonorrhea of the throat to the cast members” kind of way?

Kathrynn – It makes me very happy to hear that you love to write. Keep at it. The world needs great writers.

Okay, gotta go back in the room. I send my love to you all. Talk to you soon.
Goddard out.


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