The Gospel of Goddard:

Third Visit

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 07:40:04 2002)

Let's talk about X-Men some more. Am I the only one who thinks Havoc's old black and white costume with the weird headpiece was awesome?

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 07:45:10 2002)
Zeus – believe it or not, I’m actually here at the office working on an episode as we speak. I thought I’d take a little break. What should we talk about?

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 07:54:15 2002)

Zeus – I think I gotta go with the brown and gold. You?

Garnet – can’t say I recommend the movie, though Joss did write the line “You’re a dick.” That part’s pretty cool. But otherwise, if you’re at all interested in X-Men, stick with the comics. If you’re not interested, perhaps you could spend your free time ladling soup to somebody less fortunate than you.

BlackMagicBitsy: Hey! How are you? What’s going on? What the Hell are you doing up so late?


Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 08:04:28 2002)
BlackMagicBitsy: Am I really a star in a fanfic entry? Which one? Is it dirty? I don’t think I’m supposed to read fanfic. Unless it stars me. And is dirty. Really, really dirty.

Spikmeister – how are you? What time is it there in England?

Zeus: I’d go with Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. Sinister isn’t that great of a character, actually, but I think he looks cool.

Slayerdaddy – good to see you, as always.


Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 08:11:06 2002)
Christ – doesn’t anyone want to talk about Buffy? Here I am, all ready to spoil the entire season, and nobody asks me anything. How often are you gonna have a VIP here on a Sunday night all drunk and vulnerable and ready to spill his guts on everything?

Okay, maybe I’m not vulnerable. But boy, am I ever drunk

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Aug 19 08:37:48 2002)

You know, I actually feel bad dangling that Buffy talk in front of you when I know full well I have to go back to work. I apologize. That was totally dick of me. I’ll make it up to you – I’ll try and stop in sometime this week and we’ll have a full-on Q & A session.

Holy crap, that’ll be awesome for you guys.

In the meantime, keep it real. You guys rule. Thanks for helping me goof-off.

Goddard out.

Oh -- and could somebody please tell my Minions that I love them? Thanks.

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