The Gospel of Goddard:

First Visit

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Jul 1 23:50:25 2002)

Hello Bronzers! My name’s Drew Goddard, I’m the new staff writer on Buffy. Thought I’d pop in real quick to introduce myself. So hello! It’s a true honor to meet you all. This is a very big moment for me.

Since Drew Greenberg is here posting as well, to avoid confusion, if you want you can call me a different name. How about “Steve DeKnight?”

I’m so excited about all this I can hardly type.

Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Jul 2 00:08:13 2002)

Oh boy, it’s going to be hard to keep up with everyone. I apologize in advance if I miss any of you. It wasn’t intentional. Unless Greenberg asks me questions. Those I’ll snub.

Adri: Chocolates are on the way. And, I happen to be wearing a hot pink thong right now. Let’s see if I can get this webcam working…

Dachelle: Thanks for filling me in on the custom. Okay, here’s exactly what’s going to happen this season. Just, please, PLEASE, don’t tell anyone I told you, okay? Wait… nobody else is reading this, right?

Tiggy: I plan on livening up the show by making it more Caroline-In-The-City-like. I mean, that show was hilarious, right?

Shadow: I grew up in lovely Los Alamos, New Mexico. Went to college in Colorado. Came out here shortly thereafter. Wrote some television spec scripts, one of which found its way over here, and then presto! Buffy writer. That’s the extraordinarily abbreviated version, anyway.


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Jul 2 00:33:09 2002)

Sorry about the lag. Fury just walked into my office. He sends his love to all of you.

Molly: I always need groupies.

Reyna: Thanks for the love. The feeling is mutual. Awww. Group hug. And my shorts are black and white today.

Wiggins: No relation to Jean-Luc or Paulette. Will I seriously get chicks if I give you spoilers?

Thoin: Fury is wearing capri pants, Greenberg is wearing bermuda shorts, and DeKnight is wearing no shorts at all.

Xanderella: I have been a Buffy freak from the beginning. I’m still wandering in a daze. And there’s no way I could ever fill DeKnight’s pants. I mean that in every possible way. And it’s not like he’s gone, you know. He’s just downstairs.

Golden Age Drew: Your blitzes were a big hit. Everyone keeps running into my office yelling, “Are there any more blintzes?! Are there any more blintzes?!” Either that, or there’s still a big plate of blintzes sitting in the kitchen. One of those two things is true.

That’s the most I’ve ever typed the word “blintzes.”


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Jul 2 00:46:42 2002)

Oh boy, I’m already waaaay behind on everyone’s questions. Damn that Fury! Him and his cute little capri pants walking in my office and distracting me…

Quick word on spoilers: I would be more than happy to spoil everything for you. However, I really, really don’t want to get fired. So let’s give it a few months so I can worm my way in and then BAM! Spoilers for everyone.

I will tell you this: Next season is going to blow you away. I’m not kidding. When Joss and Marti laid out the season for me, I nearly wet myself. It is soooooooo cool.

Also, on a somewhat related note, I had a bad bladder problem that day. So keep that in mind.


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Jul 2 01:13:22 2002)

Again, sorry about the lag. Brett Matthews just walked into my office. Oops, did I just drop another name? This place is celeb central, I’ll tell you.

Adri: My toothbrush is purple. And chocolate. Though caramel’s pretty good.

Freaking Amazing Witch: I love all the characters. I would never pick favorites, but I will say I have a special place in my heart for The Mayor. I would watch Harry Groener read a phone book. How ‘bout you? Favorites? (Everyone else, feel free to play along as well.)

Aramina: I’m wonderful, thanks for asking. Classic movie: Out of the Past. Recent movie: does American Movie count as recent? Because good lord I love that movie.

GORGOYLESHEAD: Not related to the Lost in Space guy. Though I am related to Robert Goddard, the Father of Modern Rocketry. That’s sort of the same.

Dudley, Dachelle, CarpeDi: Thanks for the warning on Wiggins. He seemed a little shifty to me.

Wiggins: Actually, I’ve been a casual fan of yours for a while now. Much respect.

Shadowmagik: When I found out I got the Buffy job I nearly wrecked my car. I’m not kidding you. Don’t be up for your dream job and drive at the same time, people. Dangerous combination.

All right, one or two more rounds and then I’m going to have to jump.


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Jul 2 01:51:34 2002)

Next time I come here we’re going to play a game and the winner’s going to get a bunch of crap Steve DeKnight left in my office.

Drlloyd11: In answer to your question about writers and the fans -- I have worked with and around a lot of writing staffs in my short time here in Hollywood, and in my professional opinion no writing staff has more respect and love for their fans than this group does. It’s truly extraordinary and it’s one of the many reasons I’m so excited to be here working with these people.

Corsa_am: I hope there’s life after season seven. I just got here.

CarpeDi: Dead. Or maybe, alive.

Dudley: I do, in fact, come from a large group of science types. They’re all very supportive, but they still have no idea what the hell it is I do. I swear, they can understand particle physics, but screenwriting, no way. “You mean the actors don’t just make it up as they go along?”

SmileyFace: Since I’ve been a rabid fan from the beginning, I didn’t have to do a lot of prep in terms of familiarizing myself with the show. But they do have this closet here with lots and lots of copies of every episode on tape, and my first couple weeks I would just walk into that closet and salivate profusely.

Christopher Marlowe: Miss Kitty Fantastico might be the next Big Bad. You heard it here first. Also, much respect.

Dachelle: I would be honored if you were my groupie.

F.A. Witch: Ahhh Willow. You have great taste. In answer to your other question, I’m obsessed with At the Drive In right now. I’ve also been on a big Lagwagon kick lately too. And The Misfits. I’m really excited for The Vines new album. (I’m a big music freak, by the way. You hit the right button.)

Halfrek: Don’t worry about me growing up. Much to my mother’s dismay, it doesn’t look like it will happen anytime soon.

All right, you magnificent people, I must be going now. If I missed your question, I’m truly sorry and will try to do better next time – I’m just getting the hang of all this. It has been an honor to chat with you. I send my love to you all.

Goddard out.


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