The Gospel of Goddard:

Sixth Visit

Rebecca K. says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:32:56 2002) []

If anyone's out there, I want to let you know that there's a website you should see before you watch tomorrow night's episode. Has anyone discovered it yet?

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:36:09 2002) []

Hello, Fans. I'm here with Rebecca, too. She's promising me a makeover as we speak. Just a little insight into the group dynamics here at the Buffy office. And, yes, have you seen the website?

Rebecca K. says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:38:24 2002) []

Hey Drew and hello all.

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:39:11 2002) []

What are we talking about? That website thing?

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:40:27 2002) []

I believe they're talking about the Minions of Ultimate Drew website. Everyone should be studying me.

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:40:54 2002) []

Jane, I think we're still mysteriously hinting at it. I think the talking about it starts soon.

Rebecca, I think it's time to fire up some more of those kosher cocktail weenies.

Rebecca K. says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:42:32 2002) []

I don't know how much you guys have heard about this next episode. I don't want to spoil anything but the site I think you should look at is called I'm awfully bad about web stuff but this is worth a look. Drew, Drew, Jane... has anyone talked about this already? Am I just rehashing stuff that's out there. I don't really know the protocol on this.....

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:43:10 2002) []

I didn't think we were even gonna say "web site." I thought we were gonna come on here and pretend to be regular poster and then talk about this sad teen Cassie that we know, and then let the magic happen.

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:44:39 2002) []

Drew, I'm studying you RIGHT NOW!! (Thank GOODNESS for secret webcam technology!!)

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:45:35 2002) []

Ooh. Thanks tiggy! I come here to lay in my subtle hinting and then I get drive-by praise. Cool.

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:46:03 2002) []

Wait -- I'm confused. Are we seriously not talking about me?

Rebecca K. says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:46:32 2002) []

I don't mean to call you out in front of everyone, but I don't think you should joke around about this. Mrs. Newton actually called Tamara this morning, I'll fill you in later, but the point is...for now we're just supposed to act like it's something fictional....I'll come talk in person soon but my mom's on the phone.

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:48:56 2002) []

I can deny that SMG played the dead girls.

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:50:04 2002) []

No, Allyson, that's not it, but that's a nice website, too. This one is a bit more serious, about dear Cassie Newton.

Angel Rain, I can indeed confirm that I, too, have heard that rumor... oh, wait, Jane already gave a serious answer. Oh, poop.

REbecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:50:21 2002) []

are you pissed? I hope you understand that we're all just a little touchy about this..


By the way, this episode/tribute airs TOMORROW.....hope it is enjoyed...

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:51:46 2002) []

Thanks for all the praise! It was a fun ep to write!

And now I've gotta run off... think there might be actual writin' to do!

Love! Jane

REbecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:52:26 2002) []

Drew are you there????
Either Drew will do. can someone explain to everyone how to look her site up.

All the best to all out there....
XXX rrk

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:52:57 2002) [] That's my last word.

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:55:33 2002) []

Is Cassie Newton one of my Minions? If not, then why are we talking about her?

I mean, for the love of Christ

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:56:30 2002) []

Cashmere? Here's the wet noodle. Start lashing.

Big hellos to the rest of you.

Rebecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:56:49 2002) []

Please open your door. I'm sorry I got on your case. Just don't want to get the lawyers on our case.....I am sorry I pissed you off.....Also Chris B. said the site may be taken down temporarily because it is too "sensitive"...I'm going to his office now. (sorry Bronzers to be using your space for our lame e-mailing...but do keep checking this site because something about Cassie will come up soon) PLEASE OPEN YOUR DOOR]..I will give you praise and snacks.

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 22:58:14 2002) []

I just tried too... we've let, like twelve people know about the site and it's already overloaded?! That's terrible! The computer is a moron!

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:01:08 2002) []

Can't seen to leave when there are interesting questions/praise. In answer to a question...

Camden Toy, guy in costume, was indeed also the voice of Gnarl. Also... he was the lead Gentleman! Cool, huh?

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:09:04 2002) []

Since Jane is answering questions, I might as well ask a few.

Jane, what's in store for Clem this season?

Also, why do you keep trying to make out with me?

REbecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:09:35 2002) []



Rebecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:11:36 2002) []

WRITERS (and Bronzers)

Good News!!! Chris B. said UPN is putting up her site for the sake of us and the show...I'm not sure if it will still be her webname or something connected to UPN....more info to follow

Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:15:39 2002) []

Um, Rebecca?

What the hell are you talking about?

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:16:50 2002) []

And as long as we're doing questions, I heard I was dating someone. Who? I'm desperate to know, my Saturday nights have been a bit slow as of late.

Also, Clem, what do you have in store for me this season?


Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:20:13 2002) []

Allyson -- how could you possibly think UPN could screw it up? I mean, have you seen our promos so far this season? In my book, "U.P.N." spells "genius."

And don't you find it interesting that Jane is dodging the making out with me question?


rebecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:20:20 2002) []


What the bananas are you talking about? I have reached my limit...


Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:28:17 2002) []

DeM -- Hey, playing with dolls and masquerading on the boards sounds JUST LIKE a social life to me. It's alllllll relative.

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:31:11 2002) []

Hi all! I'm back.

Hey, Web Warlock. I'm sitting 0 feet from where Buffy is written. We are under the impression that our ratings are just fine! We are a show that attracts advertisers in search of a very specific demo -- not just age but lifestyle, income level, etc. These advertisers seem very happy. And I don't need my master's degree in Linguistics to figure it out

REbecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:35:29 2002) []


You're pulling out your Linguistics cred....when do you mention the Zima story...? ...wowzers.


Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:37:40 2002) []

Uh oh. Did Jane just drop a master's degree in Linguistics dis into the mix?

Ohhhhh snap! (Picture me with my hand up to my mouth and my eyes all wide.)


Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:38:42 2002) []

Hi DrLloyd11. I am an anti-Chomskyite. But I bet WebWarlock likes Chomsky.

I can tell.


Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:39:47 2002) []

Hi Clairel. We didn't intend Spike's motives to be unclear. He kept saying "Buffy should get what he deserves." And then when he gets the soul you're all supposed to go Ooooo, now I get what he meant!!!

Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:41:47 2002) []

Hi Phil PHuD,

Sorry, I'm familiar with that of which you speak. But it sounds cool... I do generally like that sort of thing.

I better go now before some warlock gets my dander all riled again.


Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:42:23 2002) []

I meant I'm *not* familiar with it.

Rebecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:43:07 2002) []


Girl! She so did! Mmm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm. (Picture me: also with wide eyes snapping my neck from side to side with my left eyebrow raised...imagine that my legs are crossed but guy-style so that my left ankle is resting comfortably on my my reight knee...picture my nostrils flaring and my arms waving up and down, picture me writing this message witht the tip of my nose...pecking pecking like some godawful endangered bird...a hunter is right behind me and I keep pecking, pecking right into your temples...peck..peck...peck...)


REbecca says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:51:11 2002) []

WebWarlock are you out there????

You shouldn't run in fear from Jane. She is only four or five feet tall...don't be so afraid...Come on Warlock, make Drew Goddard's eyeballs bulge out...

WebWarlo-o-ock, come out and pla-a-a-ay!!!


Drew Goddard says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:53:11 2002) []

Hey, where did Web Warlock go? Don't let that Espenson bully you -- we got your back.

Here, I'll help get you started:

Yo! Espenson! Linguistics!?! You couldn't conjugate your way outta a paper sack. My grandma has better transitive participle usage than you, and my grandma be dead!

Oh my god!


Jane Espenson says:
(Mon Oct 14 23:56:03 2002) []

Sage -- collect the money on the bet. There was some gollum in the history of Gnarl.

Clarel -- we probably should've been clearer, yes.


Jane Espenson says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:00:00 2002) []

Lovely Board,
I didn't jump on Warlock because his opinion was different than mine, I jumped on him because he was *wrong*. The ratings are solid!


Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:06:13 2002) []

Princess of Darkness: We're writers. We don't have anything to do with promo pictures. That's why we can't answer you.

Web Warlock: in my experience, people who cite the dead lesbian cliche in reference to Tara do not understand the cliche itself. Presentations of lesbians in film and television have historically presented these women as troubled, twisted and desperate. They were not accepted by society, and the only appropriate ending for them was either to be killed or to commit suicide, thus denying these characters any chance at happiness and, also, providing for the audience a rather clean solution to an embarrassing problem -- how to get rid of the lesbian. In the character of Tara, we carefully constructed a young woman who was vibrant, alive, self-sufficient, funny, sexy, compassionate, strong and learning to stand on her own two feet. We wanted you to love her so that when we took her away, the audience would feel her absence as something painful, just as Willow did, and absolutely NOT as a relief, as the cliche holds. The character was, in my opinion, in stark contrast to and the exact opposite of the old lesbian cliche. In characterizing Tara's death as yet another in the string of cliched lesbian deaths, you indicate that you do not see Tara as anything but a lesbian, you do not see her as the unique character she was, but rather just as a woman who had sex with women, and, in doing so, you reveal your own homophobia, your own prejudice and, more than anything else, your own lack of understanding of what we did with that character. Thanks for the opportunity to say so.


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:16:28 2002) []

Yo! Drew Z. be dropping science on their asses! But I bet he trucks with that Espenson wench with all her fancy book-learnin' and what have you.

Hey Z. and Esp! We don' take kindly to yo' sloppy phonetics and phonology round these parts. Ya'll so dumb, you thought the rules of syntax was decided by the I.R.S.!



Jane Espenson says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:21:08 2002) []

I'm typing this on DrewZ's computer, but it's me, Jane. Sorry, LovelyBoard... didn't realize you weren't referring to me. DIdn't mean to stir up all this pro and anti "kitten" sentiment, since I don't know what that is.

And, btw, doesn't DrewZ rock? That was such a brilliant statement!


Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:23:27 2002) []

Guys, all kidding aside --

My Minions could beat the living crap out of everyone else's minions.

I swear to friggin' God

Drew Goddard says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:27:36 2002) []

Okay -- I gotta go back to work. Thanks everybody, that was the most fun I've had in quite some time.

Minions, I love you guys.

Drew Z. Greenberg says:
(Tue Oct 15 00:31:38 2002) []

Jane: No. You TOTALLY rock. I just keep trying to live up to the fine example you set. And, also, you tell me when to get lunch.

Drew Goddard: Oh, please. Kick my ***, my ***. I'd like to see you try. You, me, the parking lot, after school. Come alone. No minions ('cause, yeah, THEY could kick my ***, easy).

Allyson: Oh, gracious. Look what you started. You can't kick Fury, he'll hate me, and I can't live with the guilt. But I do like the part about the queue. Keep that going

Next Visit...